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Marybeth Heyden
Heyden, Marybeth
Clinical Assistant Professor
Graduate Studies/Advanced Practice Nursing
Program Director, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

Email: Marybeth.Heyden@stonybrookmedicine.edu
Phone: 631-444-3074
Office: 2-221
I am a born and breed Long Islander. I started my career as a new graduate caring for Adult Medical Surgical patients in a small community hospital but found my true passion caring for critically ill children and children with Congenital and Acquired Heart Disease. 
I am a fierce advocate for the primary prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death in the young athlete and have spent years trying to advocate for a standard Pre-Participation Evaluation with the goal to identify young athletes at risk for sudden cardiac death
For the last 3years I have been the Coordinator of our Fetal Care Center at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital. I have the distinct privilege of helping families navigate through the healthcare system while they cope with potential life threatening and devastating diagnoses in their unborn child. I learn so much from my families and am in awe of their grace and dignity while going through perhaps the most difficult time in their lives. My current research includes identifying actionable items to help optimize the quality care provided for women and children referred to the Coordinated Fetal Care Program
As an educator my goal is to facilitate my students journey through the learning process. Building relationships with students helps create an environment of trust and mutual respect. Utilizing a multitude of learning strategies I strive to expand the learners clinical reasoning skills using evidenced based practice with the goal of preparing lifelong learners who excel in clinical practice and research

Marybeth Heyden, DNP, CPNP-PC/AC 

Doctor of Nursing Practice, Stony Brook University 2009
Master of Science, Child Health Nursing, Stony Brook University, 1999
Bachelors of Science in Nursing, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York 1983

Clinical Specialties
Pediatric Primary Care
Pediatric Acute Care-Pediatric Cardiology

Primary Teaching Areas
Advanced Practice Pediatrics

Research and Academic Interests
Identifying actionable items to help optimize the quality care provided for women and children referred to the Coordinated Fetal Care Program
Pre-Participation Evaluation (PPE) of Athletes to Identify Risk Factors for Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD): How compliant are PPE forms on the sub-state level in the absence of legislation mandating a universal screening tool

Research (selected)

Publications (selected)
DiRocco, J.,,During,A., Morelli, P., Heyden,M., Biancaniello,T. Atrial Fibrillation in Healthy Adolescents After Highly Caffeinated Beverage Consumption-Two Case Reports Journal of Medical Case Reports, 20115:18

Abstracts, Posters & Platform Presentations
1.Loui, B, Hakemi, M, Alcaia,H., Heyden, M., Walsh, K. and Panesar, L Impact of Fetal Heart Program in Academic Medical Center Without Pediatric Cardiac Surgery-Accepted for poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, Denver Colorado April 21, 2022

2.Heyden C, Heyden M, Nielsen J, Messina C, Panesar LE. Pre-Participation Evaluation of Young Athletes for Sudden Cardiac Death: Are Schools Asking the Right Questions? Poster at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, Vancouver, Canada. April 2014.

3.Heyden C, Heyden M, Nielsen J, Messina C, Panesar LE. Pre-Participation Evaluation of Young Athletes for Sudden Cardiac Death: Are Schools Asking the Right Questions? Platform Presentation at Eastern Society for Pediatric Research. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. March 2014.

4.Heyden,M., Steckel, A., Know Your Family History-It May Save Your Child’s Life Poster at National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties National Conference, Washington, DC April 2010.

Major Accomplishments/Honors
2006                              Paul Harris Fellow Award-Rotary International

1999                              Sigma Theta Tau-International Honor Society of Nursing

1999                              Academic Award for Overall Excellence
                                      in Child Health 
                                      State University of New York at Stony Brook,
                                      New York

1989 and 1990             Nurse of the Year-general Pediatrics Unit
                                     University Hospital at Stony Brook
                                     Stony Brook, New York