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Dr. Kathleen Shurpin
Shurpin, Kathleen
Graduate Studies/Advanced Practice Nursing
Program Director, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)

Email: Kathleen.Shurpin@stonybrook.edu
Phone: 631-444-3267
Office: 2-224

As a professor of nursing, my scholarship focuses on advanced practice nursing education and prevention and screening in patients and families experiencing cancer.  Currently I am involved in a project evaluating support group methodologies including telehealth and onsite group support meetings and the impact on cancer distress with patients and families experiencing lung cancer.  Prior research suggests that support group participation reduces patient/family distress in this high risk population. Future interests include evaluation of outcomes related to lung cancer screening in at risk populations, and evaluating impact of DNP doctoral education of advanced practice nurses specific to specialty population outcomes.

I served in the position of Director of the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program from 2010 – 2015 and now serve as a professor in this program.  My goal continues to be to position the Stony Brook School of Nursing DNP program as a top-level program in the country.  In order to achieve this outcome, I serve as an evaluator for academic nursing programs for The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), attend the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Conferences, collaborate in an ongoing evaluation and outcomes process and work with faculty to continually improve the quality of this program. Poster and podium presentations from DNP students at professional local and national conferences have been highly regarded.  My background and experience in advanced practice nursing both within and outside of the School of Nursing continues to support this highly successful DNP program.
My philosophy of teaching is based on transformative learning theory.  I develop and implement curriculum that requires active student participation and collaboration.  Clear objectives and expected outcomes are generated and met through multiple teaching strategies.  Use of technology is integral to the teaching-learning process.  Ongoing feedback and evaluation is the cornerstone of my teaching practice.  My goal is to support development of skills necessary for life-long learning, reflection, clinical practice, and scholarship.

Kathleen Shurpin, RN, PhD, ANP-C, PMHNP-BC

PhD, Adelphi University, 1988
MS, Adelphi University, 1978
BS, Adelphi University, 1972

Clinical Specialties:
Psychiatric/Mental Health