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Allyson Kornahrens
Kornahrens, Allyson
Clinical Assistant Professor
Graduate Studies/Advanced Practice Nursing
Program Director, Family Nurse Practitioner

Email: Allyson.Kornahrens@stonybrook.edu
Phone: 631-638-8538
Office: 2-213G

Allyson Kornahrens, DNP, FNP-C, ENP-C, ANAGNP is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Stony Brook University School of Nursing. Dr. Kornahrens completed her BS at Stony Brook University and earned her MS in Nursing from the University of Pittsburgh. She later returned to Stony Brook to earn an Advanced Certificate as a Family Nurse Practitioner and began teaching at the University as clinical adjunct faculty in the Undergraduate department. Dr. Kornahrens subsequently joined the Graduate department as full time faculty, teaching in the FNP program as she earned her Doctor of Nursing Practice from Stony Brook University. Dr. Kornahrens later earned certification as an Emergency Nurse Practitioner, and received an Advanced Certificate as Adult Gerontological Acute Care Nurse Practitioner from the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Kornahrens’ research focus is in the care of complex patient populations. Her doctoral work focused on hepatitis C screening in the primary care setting. Currently, Dr. Kornahrens’ focus is on the early identification and treatment of individuals diagnosed with sepsis across the lifespan and the continuum of care.



Allyson Kornahrens, DNP, FNP-C, ENP-C, AGACNP, CNL, CCRN, CRN



BS, Nursing, Stony Brook University

MS, Nursing, University of Pittsburgh

Advanced Certificate (FNP), Stony Brook University

Advanced Certificate (AGACNP), University of Pennsylvania

DNP, Stony Brook University


Clinical Specialties

Acute Care

Primary Care

Urgent Care


Primary Teaching Areas

Advanced Practice Family Medicine


Research and Academic Interests

Hepatitis C Screening




Publications (selected)



Kornahrens, A. (2020) Care of the Trauma Patient in Radiology. Brown, C. ARIN Core Curriculum: 4th Edition.

Kornahrens, A. Waryold, J (2020) Inferior Vena Cava Filters. Brown, C. ARIN Core Curriculum: 4th Edition.

Waryold, J. M., & Kornahrens, A. (2020). Decreasing Barriers to Sexual Health in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Community. Nurse Clin North Am, 393-402.

Kornahrens, A., Waryold, J., & Jurgens, C. Y. (2020). Improving Hepatitis C Screening in the Primary Care Outpatient Setting for Individuals Belonging to the Birth Cohort 1945-1965. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners16(10), e177-e180.


Presentations (selected)


Stony Brook University:

Kornahrens, A (2022) Identification and Treatment of Sepsis in the Older Adult Population; Presented at Stony Brook University Nursing Continuing Education and Development, Stony Brook, New York

Kornahrens, A (2022) Early Recognition, Diagnosis and Treatment of Sepsis from the Outpatient to the Inpatient Setting; Presented at Stony Brook University Nursing Continuing Education and Development, Stony Brook, New York

Kornahrens, A. Waryold, J & Jurgens, C.Y. (2019) Improving Hepatitis C Screening in the Primary Care Out-Patient Setting for Individuals in Birth Cohort 1945-1965;  Poster Presented at Stony Brook University Research Day, Stony Brook, New York

Kornahrens, A. Waryold, J & Jurgens, C.Y. (2019) Improving Hepatitis C Screening in the Primary Care Out-Patient Setting for Individuals in Birth Cohort 1945-1965;  Podium Presentation at Stony Brook University Research Day, Stony Brook, New York


Kornahrens, A (2022), Improving Early Recognition of Sepsis in the Acute Care Setting Through Use of Nurse-Led Sepsis Screening Tool; Presented at the Ney York State Nurse Practitioners’ Association Annual Conference, Saratoga New York

Kornahrens, A (2022) Early Recognition, Diagnosis and Treatment of Sepsis; Presented at the Northwell Health Regional Sepsis Summit, Peconic Bay Medical Center Riverhead, New York

Kornahrens, A. Waryold, J & Jurgens, C.Y. (2019) Improving Hepatitis C Screening in the Primary Care Out-Patient Setting for Individuals in Birth Cohort 1945-1965; Presented at The Nurse Practitioner Association of New York Annual Conference, Verona, New York

Firestone-Howard, B., Kirsopp, A., Kornahrens, A., MacIsaac, L., Peters, M. (2014) The Effect of Relationship-Based Care Model for Nursing Care Upon the HCAPS Patient Satisfaction Scores on a Forty-Bed Pulmonary Medicine Unit; Abstract accepted for the Greater Pittsburgh Nursing Conference 

Firestone-Howard, B., Kirsopp, A., Kornahrens, A., MacIsaac, L., Peters, M. (2014) The Effect of Relationship-Based Care Model for Nursing Care Upon the HCAPS Patient Satisfaction Scores on a Forty-Bed Pulmonary Medicine Unit; poster presented at University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing 3rd Annual Scholarly Poster Presentation Symposium



Kornahrens, A (2022) Improving Early Recognition of Sepsis in the Acute Care Setting Through Use of Nurse-Led Sepsis Screening Tool; Presented at the Clinical Nurse Leader Summit, Orlando, Florida




Kornahrens, A. (2020) Poster Presentations in a Nutshell: A Guide to Preparing a Poster for Presentation at an Academic Medical Conference; To have been presented at the Association for Radiologic and Imaging Nurses Spring Convention March 2020, (postponed due to COVID-19)

Kornahrens, A., Meddles-Torres, C. (2018) Utilizing CO2 Angiography to Reduce the Incidence of Contrast-Induced Nephrotoxicity and Allergic Reaction: Presented at the Association for Radiologic and Imaging Nurses Spring Convention

Abrams, S., Kornahrens, A., (2016) Initiating Measures to Improve Patient Flow Through Interventional Radiology; Presented at the Association for Radiologic and Imaging Nurses Spring Convention