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Dr. Della Ratta is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Strategic Partnerships. Her PhD in Nursing was completed at Adelphi University’s College of Nursing and Public Health in 2015. Dr. Della Ratta has extensive teaching experience in across undergraduate and doctoral programs and provides mentorship to new faculty transitioning to the academic role. Her scholarly interests are in the areas of pedagogical innovation, interprofessional education, and qualitative research. Participating in the transformation of nursing education where the focus is on learner-centered, active strategies to best prepare nurse graduates for complex clinical environments, and disseminating that work are also a focus of her scholarly efforts. Dr. Della Ratta authored several professional publications and has presented nationally on these teaching innovations. Her research interests include new graduate nurse transition to practice and preceptor development.

Since 2007, Dr. Della Ratta has served as nurse resident facilitator at Stony Brook University Hospital, Vizient/AACN Nurse Residency Program where she teaches the Evidence-based Practice Project Development Session.

Dr. Della Ratta has been honored with several regional awards for her contributions to Stony Brook University, including the 2020 Outstanding Mentor Award. She was recently recognized as a SUNY Online Teaching Ambassador and was recognized in 2019 for 35 years of service to SBU. She holds memberships in the Eastern Nurse Research Society, ANA-NY, and Sigma Theta Tau International, Kappa Gamma Chapter.



Carol Della Ratta, PhD, RN, CNE



BSN, College of New Rochelle, 1984

MS, Nursing, Stony Brook University, 1989

PhD, Adelphi University, 2015


Clinical Specialties

Adult Medical and Critical Care Nursing


Primary Teaching Areas

Philosophical Foundations of Nursing Science

Teaching Practicum for PhD students

Dissertation Seminar


Research and Academic Interests

Interprofessional education

Team-based learning

New graduate nurse transition to practice

Preceptor development


Research (selected)

Co-Principal Investigator: Nursing Students’ Academic and Clinical Experiences during the initial phase of COVID-19 pandemic.

Principal Investigator: Preceptors’ Experiences of Caring for Deteriorating Patients


Publications (selected)

Sullivan-Boylai, S., Della Ratta, C. Flanagan, J., Pudasainee-Kapri, S. & Sefcik, J.S. (2022). Salami slicing and other fatal flaws to avoid in publishing qualitative findings. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 66, A9-A10. ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2022.08.003

Della Ratta, C., Gambino, K., Brathwaite, B., Rosciano, A., & Coletti, V. (2022). Academic and practice experiences of nursing students during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of the American Nurses’ Association of NY.

Pandolfelli, G., Hammock, A., Topek-Walker, L., Ambrosio, M., Tejada, T., Della Ratta, C., LaSala, M., Koos,J.A., Lewis, V., & Benz Scott, L. (2021). An interprofessional team-based experiential learning experience in public libraries. Pedagogy in Health Promotion, https://doi.org/10.1177/23733799211048517

Brooks, C., Della Ratta, C., LaSala, M., Gerberich, B. & Browne, K. (2021). Leveraging Academic-Clinical Partnerships to Create an OR Nurse Pipeline. Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(3) 168-172.

Della Ratta, C. (2018). The Art of Balance: Preceptors’ Experiences of Caring for Deteriorating Patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Advance online publication doi: 101111/jocn.14579

Buhse, M. & Della Ratta, C. (2017). Enhancing interprofessional collaboration with team-based learning. Nurse Educator, 42(5), 240-244. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000370. 

Della Ratta, C. (2016) Challenging graduate nurses' transition: Care of the deteriorating patient. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 25, 3036–3048, doi: 10.1111/jocn.13358. 

Della Ratta, C.B. (2015). Flipping the classroom with team-based learning in undergraduate nursing education. Nurse Educator, 40(2), 71-74. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000112

Gambino, K.M, Della Ratta, C.B., Janotha, B.L., Coletti, V.A. & Cavaliere, T.A. (2015).  Team-based learning in online nursing education:  An innovation in curriculum development.  In Caputi, L. (Ed.), Innovations in nursing education:  Building the future of nursing Volume 3 (135-138). Washington, DC:  National League for Nursing.

Buhse, M., Della Ratta, C., Galiczewski, J., & Eckardt, P. (2015). Caregivers of older persons with multiple sclerosis: Determinants of health-related quality of life.  Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 47(2), E2-E12. doi: 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000117.


Presentations (selected)

Della Ratta, C., Brathwaite, B., Gambino, K. & Rosciano, A. (2022).  Nursing Students’ Academic and Work/Volunteer Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 34th Annual ENRS Scientific Sessions, Providence, RI. March 30-31, 2022.  Podium.

Della Ratta, C. (2022). Leveraging Academic Partnerships to Improve Nursing Student EBP Knowledge. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center From Bench to Bedside: Translating Evidence to Interprofessional Practice, NY, NY. February 11, 2022. Panelist. Invited.

Della Ratta, C. & LaSala, M. (2020).  Undergraduate Nursing Students Serving the Library Community. AACN Fall Faculty Focus, Virtual Conference. December 7, 2020. Poster.

Della Ratta, C. (2019).  Clinical Partner Collaboration to Improve EBP Competency in Undergraduate Nursing Students. AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference, Orlando, FL.  November 21-23, 2019. Poster

Buhse, M. & Della Ratta, C. (2019).  Integrating EBP concepts across the curriculum. Webinar presentation for Helene Fuld Health Trust National Institute for Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare, Immersion Reconnect Webinar Series. Virtual Conference.  May 15, 2019. Podium. Invited.

Della Ratta, C. (2019). Let’s Talk about Teaching Online, Stony Brook University, Center for Learning and Teaching, Stony Brook, NY.  November 7, 2019. Panelist. Invited.


Della Ratta, C. (2018). The Art of Balance: Preceptors' experiences of caring for deteriorating patients. 30th Annual ENRS Scientific Sessions, April, 2018. Newark, NJ. Podium.

Della Ratta, C. (2017). Peer Review in Undergraduate Curricula: Preparing Nurse Graduates for Practice, AACN's 2017 Baccalaureate Education Conference in Atlanta, GA.  (Poster presentation)

Della Ratta, C. & Blanco, L. (2017). Implementing iPad Technology in a Fundamental Nursing Course: One Step at a Time, AACN's 2017 Baccalaureate Education Conference in Atlanta, GA. (Poster presentation)

Major Accomplishments / Honors

2020 Outstanding Mentor Award - Stony Brook University

2020 Online Teaching Ambassador - Open State University of New York

2019 35 Year Service Award - Stony Brook University

2017 Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching and Service – School of Nursing 2017 RNBP Class

2016 Stony Brook University Hospital - Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence

2016 Outstanding Advisor Award-SBSNA – Stony Brook University Student Life Award