Faculty Spotlight

School of Nursing Faculty recognized for their dedication to their students and contributions to the field.

The distinctive programs of the Stony Brook School of Nursing are rich in expert nursing resources. Our faculty are part of a community of scholars and clinicians who refine the curricula annually to reflect changes in practice, advancing technology, and input from the students’ experiences. Their expertise and excellence in their respective nursing specialties are frequently acknowledged and honored by local, national, and international healthcare and nursing organizations.


School of Nursing
Health Sciences Center, Level 2
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8240
(631) 444-3200

Dr. Mary Ellen LaSala

Dr. Mary Ellen LaSala received the Leader of Leaders Award at the Nursing Students Association of New York State's annual convention. Under her leadership our Stony Brook Student Nurses' Association (SBSNA) received 8 awards include the Regional Excellence Award for being the most involved and successful local nursing association in the state, the Most Valuable Vice President Award was received by Olena Trojanowski, the Secretary's Award of Excellence received by Philip Massaro, the Treasurer for a Difference Award received by Alexia Lengyel, the Community Health Contribution Award received by Christina Flore, the STAT Newsletter Award received by SBSNA Communications Committee, and the Community Health Project Award given to SBSNA for their events adopting a family and for cooking at the Ronald McDonald House during the holidays. In addition, Brianna O'Sullivan and Jessica Rodriguez received 2 of the 8 scholarships that were awarded.


Dr. Justin Waryold

Nearly two dozen hospitals and educational institutions from across Long Island each nominated a top nurse for recognition at the 2019 Nurse of Excellence Award Ceremony. The 22 nominees hailed from member hospitals and nursing schools, selected from among hundreds of nurses across the two counties. The annual event, now in its 24th year, was hosted by the Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council. Justin Waryold, DNP, RN, clinical assistant professor and director of the Advanced Practice Nursing Program in Adult Health at Stony Brook University was named Top Nurse on Long Island. “Waryold’s commitment to nursing education and clinical practice is outstanding,” read an announcement about his honor. “He has focused on improving access to care for vulnerable adults, in particular the LGBT and home bound patient populations. His teaching methodology related to LGBT care has been published and adopted nationally by schools of medicine, nursing, and allied health,” it read. Waryold also developed a house call program to address the needs of patients who cannot access care in a traditional office setting, or who need palliative care. “For the past 10 years, he has been nurturing the next generation of nursing professionals as an educator and also serves as a volunteer mentor for nurse practitioner students,” the announcement read. Dr. Waryold also finds time to volunteer at the RotoCare Clinic in Nassau County, which provides free healthcare for people in need.