Professor Whitney joined the Stony Brook University in 2020 as Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, affiliated faculty in the Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care, and Bioethics in the Renaissance School of Medicine, and member of the Institutional Ethics Committee at Stony Brook Medicine.
Teaching courses in the doctoral program, Professor Whitney provide doctoral nursing students with quality methodologic and ethical training to become scholars in their areas of interest. As a nurse scientist and bioethicist, her program of scholarship is focused on uncovering the moral and ethical dimensions of nursing care, especially in relation to the care of highly stigmatized or underserved communities. She believes that the ability to provide patients with excellent, compassionate, and humanistic care necessitates the understanding of clinicians' ethical and moral considerations as instruments of care provision. She is particularly interested in qualitative approaches to inquiry and theoretical foundations for nursing science.
Professor Whitney completed her undergraduate training in nursing and graduate training in nursing research and bioethics at the University Pennsylvania. Her dissertation research involved exploring the circumstances under which clinicians moralize substance use during pregnancy and lactation.
PhD Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
MBE Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania
MSN University of Pennsylvania
BSN University of Pennsylvania
Bioethics, Science communication, Workforce well-being, Burnout, Stigma, Qualitative methodologies
2024-2027 Co-Principal Investigator, Caregiver-Robot Symbiosis to Individualize Caregiving Robot Assistants for People with ALS, Department of Defense, ($1,489,508);
2023-2025 Principal, Investigator, Engaging Clinician Outcomes and Moral Dimensions of Practice to Advance Sustainable Solutions for Wellness (EnCOMPASS-Wellness), Long Island Network for Clinical and Translational Science K12 Mentored Clinical and Translational Research Career Development Program
2023-2024 Co-Investigator, Pregnancy Expectations Among Stigmatized Populations: Life experiences, Vulnerabilities, and Community Roles, Long Island Network for Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Program, ($25,000);
2022-2024 Co-Investigator, Alda Healthcare Experience: Promoting Provider Resilience, Health Resources and Services Administration, ($1,079,311);
2022-2024 Co-Investigator, Partners in Cancer Care Research (CaRe) Study, Advancing Early Research Opportunities (AERO) Grant, Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation, ($4,930)
2018-2020 Principal Investigator, Moralizing Substance Use in Maternal-Child Symbiosis: An Emergent Fit Dimensional Analysis, Hillman Scholar in Nursing Innovation, Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation ($70,000);
2018-2019 Principal Investigator, Virtual Reality & Hybrid Simulation: An Innovative Opioid Overdose Intervention, Advancing Early Research Opportunities (AERO) Grant, Rita & Alex Hillman Foundation, ($4,520)
2020 Doctoral Leadership Award, Sigma Theta Tau International: Xi Chapter;
2017 Undergraduate Leadership Award, Sigma Theta Tau International: Xi Chapter;
2016 Passion for Nursing Education Award, Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania
Walker, S., Whitney, C., Dobias, M., Galiczewski, J., & Pati, S. (manuscript in preparation). Reflecting Together: Implementation and Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Narrative Medicine Workshop.
Preis, H., Lobel, M., Ramakrishnan, I., Whitney, C., Heiselman, C., & Djuric, P. (manuscript in preparation) Development and evaluation of a machine learning-based clinical decision support tool to improve assessment and intervention in perinatal health.
Whitney, C., & Wool, J. (2024). Patient Agency without Provider Agony: The Need to Address Clinician Moral Distress in Advancing the Rights of Pregnant Persons. The American Journal of Bioethics, 24(2), 64-66. https://doi.org/10.1080/15265161.2023.2296416
Whitney, C., Evered, J., Patrick, B., & Lee, G. (2024). Whose Um Voice is it Anyway? Leveraging “Thick Transcription” to Promote Inclusion in Qualitative Research Through Transcript Alignment. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23, 16094069241256548. https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069241256548
Evered, J., Andersen, L., Foxwell, A., Iroegbu, C., & Whitney, C. (2023). Clinician–Patient Relationships in Virtual Care: A Dimensional Analysis of the Symbolic World of Cancer Care. Qualitative Health Research, 33(4), 284-296. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323231153793
Preis, H., Dobias, M., Cohen, K., Bojsza, E., Whitney, C., & Pati, S. (2022). A mixed-methods program evaluation of the Alda Healthcare Experience-a program to improve healthcare team communication. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 897. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-022-03972-w
Evered, J., Andersen, L., Foxwell, A., Iroegbu, C., & Whitney, C. (2022). The impact and implications of virtual supportive cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic: integrating patient and clinician perspectives. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30(12), 9945-9952. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-022-07393-9
Whitney, C., & Evered, J. A. (2022). The qualitative research distress protocol: a participant-centered tool for navigating distress during data collection. International journal of qualitative methods, 21, 16094069221110317. https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069221110317
Whitney, C., & Evered, J. A. (2023). Fostering Scholarly Development in Nursing Science: The Promise of Dimensional Analysis. Journal of Nursing Education, 62(2), 112-115. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20220912-11
Whitney, C., Canale, E., & Zinck, L. (2022). Toward transformative engagement: Ethical and effective clinical-research partnerships in cancer care nursing. Cancer Care Research Online, 2(3), e021. https://doi.org/10.1097/CR9.0000000000000021
Preis, H., Whitney, C., Kocis, C., & Lobel, M. (2022). Saving time, signaling trust: Using the PROMOTE self-report screening instrument to enhance prenatal care quality and therapeutic relationships. PEC innovation, 1, 100030. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecinn.2022.100030
Whitney, C., Greene, M. Z., & Dudek, A. (2020). Getting it right after getting it wrong: Using the AQUERY tool in conversation with transgender nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 94, 104560. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104560
Herbert, N., Axson, S., Siegel, L., Cassidy, K., Hoyt-Brennan, A. M., Whitney, C., Herens, A., & Giordano, N. A. (2020). Leveraging immersive technology to expand access to opioid overdose reversal training in community settings: Results from a randomized controlled equivalence trial. Drug and alcohol dependence, 214, 108160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108160
Giordano, N. A., Whitney, C. E., Axson, S. A., Cassidy, K., Rosado, E., & Hoyt-Brennan, A. M. (2020). A pilot study to compare virtual reality to hybrid simulation for opioid-related overdose and naloxone training. Nurse Education Today, 88, 104365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104365