Pamela Ginex, EdD, MPH, RN

Dr. Ginex


Phone: 631-444-6268


EdD, Nursing, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

MPH University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA

BSN, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, PA

Area of Research: Oncology; heath outcomes of toxic environmental exposure; health behavior interventions improve adherence to oral anticancer medications MSKCC Cancer Center Support Grant Co-I

Completed Grant Funding: Caring Canines: Outcomes from an animal- $10,000 assisted activity program on patients and staff on an inpatient surgical oncology unit Gerri & ME Nursing Research Fund PI 2014 2018 Using a patient-centered mHealth intervention $100,000 to improve adherence to oral anticancer medications MSKCC Cancer Center Support Grant Co-I

Current Grant Funding: Minnesota Pulmonary Airborne Clinical $25,000 Toxin (M-PACT) Study University of Minnesota Co-I

Notable Honors and Awards: Fellow, New York Academy of Nursing; Connie Henke Yarbro Cancer Nursing Mentorship Award

Publications and Abstracts: Ginex, P. K., Wood, S. K., Sivakumaran, K., Babatunde, I., yu, T., DiValerio Gibbs, K., & Morgan, R. L. (2023). Physical activity interventions for cancer-related fatigue: A scoping review of RCTs from a Nursing Science Precision Health Perspective. Nursing Outlook, 71(6), 102052. Wood, S. K. (2020). Keeping the nurse in the nurse practitioner: Returning to our disciplinary roots of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science. Wood, S. K. (2018). Transition to cancer survivorship: A concept analysis. Advances in Nursing Science, 41(2), 145-160. doi:10.1097/ANS.0000000000000190 Wilson, B. J., Zitella, L. J., Erb, C. H., Foster, J., Peterson, M., & Wood, S. K. (2018). Prevention of infection: A systematic review of evidence-based practice interventions for management in patients with cancer. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22(2), 157-168. doi:10.1188/18.CJON.157-168; Wood, S. K. & Payne, J. K. (2012). Implementation of NCCN Evidence-Based Guidelines to prevent and treat cancer-related infections. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(3), 303. E111-E117. Wood, S. K. & Payne, J.K. (2011). Treatment-related adverse events. Cancer-related infections. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology, 2( 6), 356-371. Wood, S. K. Bruckenthal, P., Chen, P. (May 2010). Evidenced-based practice for the prevention and treatment of cancer-related infection. Abstract # 4243 published in the Oncology Nursing Forum, 37, (3), E 210.